HVAC and Split System Installations

Our in-depth knowledge and understanding of commercial environments ensures that we can provide superior heating, cooling, and overall climate control for warehouses, offices, and other commercial buildings and structures. To learn more about how we can assist you with your commercial air conditioning installation, feel free to contact us today!

NEC specialises in energy efficient air-conditioning installations for commercial customers. We know how much of your energy usage is wasted through the poor selection of air-conditioning products, poorly installed systems and Building Management Systems that are not programmed appropriately.

air conditioner, roof, unit

Get in touch with out experts

We use the best star rated products with superior EER(energy efficiency ratings) and COP (co-efficient of Performance) to deliver heating and cooling performance and lower running costs.


Large scale commercial Energy Efficient HVAC projects may attract Government support, NEC can help with Measurement and Verification project based upgrades.

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